Recipe Pork Medallion Served with Wild Rice

Pork Medallion Served with Wild Rice

  • Difficulty Level: 3
  • Serves Serves: 2
  • Preparation


  • Cooking


What You Will Need

Made with
Lee Kum Kee products

How to make it

  1. In a small bowl, combine Premium Soy Sauce, 2 Tbsp. olive oil, rice vinegar, sugar, Sesame Oil and black pepper (premium soy dressing). Mix well and set aside.
  2. Massage pork loin with 1 Tbsp. Panda Oyster Flavored Sauce and 1 tsp. coarse black pepper.
  3. In a heated pan with oil, pan-fry pork loin until golden brown or until done.
  4. Let sit for 10 minutes. Slice into 0.5 cm thick pieces.
  5. Combine wild rice, kidney beans, shallot, parsley and red bell pepper in a medium bowl
  6. Stir in premium soy dressing and serve with sliced pork loin.

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